Unique 3-days coaching program for Digital Transformation Leaders @ Adriatic Sea
In cooperation with ExCoSe² Coaching & Sailing, Quality Transformation offers a unique digital transformation leadership coaching program on a sailing boat at the Adriatic Sea. Unique, because the coaching program covers a personal training fitting your learning objectives. Unique, also because we use fit-for-purpose coaching techniques, the coaching takes place in an optimal learning environment and is build up using the right combination of individual coaching and group coaching sessions.
What is it? A coaching program for those who have experience in elements of project or program leadership and want to get better.
Something for you? If you are a program, project or team leader of any project where IT/digital components are included and a change in business is expected, and you want to improve the way you perform your job, this is for you.
Who is the coach? Erik van Haaren, our founder and Senior Advisor, will be your coach. He will bring in his 33 years of global transformation leadership experience, leadership coaching expertise and the skills which he build up in support 50+ companies throughout his career. Bruno Flohr, the skipper and owner of ExCoSe² Coaching & Sailing will support in specific coaching situation. Bruno is a professional coach.
How does it work? Based on the area where you want to improve your skillset, you will be coached during this 3-days coaching program. The coaching is combined with anchoring the learned components with deep dives and bringing the learnings into practice. Before the 3-days coaching program we jointly scope your topic and structure and prepare the 3 days. After the coaching program, you will be further coached for a 2-4 months period to anchor the learnings into your day to day work.
What learning objectives can be covered? It could be anything which you see as a gap in your skillset. Topics like:
- work more effective with teams,
- better dealing with risks
- You can steer the IT component of such projects, but how to deal with the business side of such project?
- Steering organizational or process change as part of such projects
- Communicating better as a leader
- Controlling technology or business complexities; managing the impact of those during a project
- I am a team lead, what will change now I am asked to lead a whole project?
- ………. Or anything else that you want to improve in the way you perform your role or future role
Will you only focus on your learning objectives during the coaching program? Not only. Your learning objective is your primary focus area, but each day we have 2 coached group sessions where the other coachees will support you and you will support the other coachees on their learning objectives. You learn from the contribution of your colleagues and learn from the topics addressed by your colleagues. We work in a small group of 4 – 6 coachees to optimize the coaching experience.
What language is used during the coaching sessions? In case we have an international group, the language in group session will be English. As the coach is fluent in English, German and Dutch, used language of individual coaching session can vary.
Is this full days of coaching? Pretty much, but you will have before the coaching sessions and after the coaching sessions time to learn or practice sailing and enjoy the harbors we visit. Experience the beauty of Croatia and the Adriatic Sea and building your network with the other coachees is the main distraction you will experience during the 3 days.
When are the coaching sessions? This exclusive coaching program will be organized only 2 times this year:
- September 25 – 29, 2021
- September 29 – October 2, 2021
This is not virtual, but in person? Yes, indeed, we go back to almost normal, but all is obviously corona safe. We request the coachees to be compliant to the corona rules and Bruno and Erik will be as well. This means all should be tested, vaccinated, or recovered and should follow the set corona rules. The cabins on the sailing boat are 2 person cabins and can be occupied by 2 persons, but only if the corona rules are followed, or individually.
What does it cost? The coaching program costs €1.990 per person in case of double occupancy of a cabin, and €2.490 per person in case of single occupancy of the cabin. Prices are excl. VAT. and include the coaching, the sailing and the cabin.
How to get more information? Contact us for more information via an email to contact@quality-transformation.com.